This year saw our Sunflower Nursery in Cambridge turn 30 and to mark the special occasion, staff organised a number of events for their children and families. They also set themselves a target to raise £3000 to help pay for some interactive white boards to help the children with their learning.
“Due to Covid the birthday celebrations were a little different to what we had hoped to do this year but we are still very proud that so far we have raised £2700 so we are well on our way to reaching our target of £3000 for the Nursery. With a Children’s raffle and recipe book of the Nursery’s favourite recipes going on sale before Christmas, we are confident that we will reach the target by the end of the year” Katie Coe Nursery Manager
Celebrations included a fantastic party day for the children where each child was given a Sunflower Party Bag which included some Sunflower seeds so they can grow a sunflower at home to mark the special occasion.
We asked some of our older Children what they like about Sunflower, here are a few quotes:
“Face paints because I love to dress up”
“All the toys and the adults”
“Playing with my friends and playing hairdressers and when I get to ride on the bikes”
“Sharing toys”
“Playing with my friends”