If I have a problem, how do I get it resolved?
Contact CHS in one of the following ways to report an issue.
If you have already discussed the issue with someone previously, but can’t remember who you spoke to, a Customer Service Advisor may be able to bring up the details of your previous call which will ensure you are put through to the right person.
Telephone: 0300 111 3555
Email: info@chsgroup.org.uk
Website: www.chsgroup.org.uk
Complete an online form or use LiveChat to speak to one of our customer services advisors in the chat box.
Book a repair online: Fill in the form on Foster’s website
Write: CHS Group, Endurance House, Chivers Way, Histon, Cambridge, CB24 9ZR
Visit: Our office reception at the above address is now open for in person enquiries.
Reporting a repair
- Heating repairs – Gasway
For a new repair, call 0300 111 3555 and select 1
For an existing repair or to change/cancel an appointment, call 01603 309544
- All other repairs – Foster
For a new repair call 0300 111 3555 and select 2
For an existing repair or to change/cancel an appointment, all 0330 1340150.
You can send photos relating to the repair you have reported by emailing fostercentral@fpm-ltd.co.uk or by sending them on WhatsApp 07377 989073. Please include your address when you send the photos
- Urgent or Out of Hours repairs
If the issue is urgent, phoning us will be the quickest way to get a response. If it is outside of office hours, we have a 24 hour phone service using the main number 0300 111 3555, this is only for emergencies.
What is a complaint?
A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction with a service you have received by CHS e.g. if you have reported a leaky tap a number of times with Foster and they haven’t fixed the issue and the issue is ongoing. At that point you can make a complaint about how your report was dealt with.
You have a right to complain
You can complain about any service provided to you by CHS or our contractors and you will not be penalised for making a complaint. You can complain directly to Foster or to Gasway about an issue with their service, and if you are unhappy with the way your complaint is dealt with by them, you can then complain to CHS about any contractor.
How to complain
If you are unhappy with the service you have received, you can contact CHS by phone, email, online via the website or in writing (details outlined above). It is important to clearly explain what the issue is and what you would like us to do to resolve the issue. The resolution that you are seeking has to be reasonable and within CHS’s power to provide. What CHS should do in response to your complaint. Once you have made a complaint, if we can resolve it to your satisfaction there and then we will. If not, CHS will write to you to acknowledge the complaint and set out what we will do to put things right.
Escalating your complaint
If you’re unhappy with CHS’s response, reply setting out why you are dissatisfied, what the outstanding issues are and what you think CHS should do to put things right.
Further sources of support for making complaints
CHS has a Customer Complaints Panel made up of tenant volunteers who are trained to consider customer complaints and their purpose is to ensure fair outcomes for tenants. You can contact them for advice, and they can act as an advocate to help you voice your complaint and guide you through the process. You can contact them by emailing complaintspanel@chsgroup.org.uk or calling 0300 111 3555 and asking for a call back from the Complaints Panel.
The Housing Ombudsman’s website www.housing-ombudsman.org.uk has videos with tips about making a complaint. You can contact them for advice at any time: phone 0300 111 3000. The CHS complaints process includes: an initial contact about something that has gone wrong; a formal complaint; and if you are unhappy with the response to a formal complaint, you can ask for a formal review, which may be carried out by our Customer Complaints Panel. If you are unhappy after a formal review, you can refer your complaint to the Housing Ombudsman