Contact Your details Are you a current CHS resident/tenant?* Yes No Address line 1*Address line 2City*Postcode*Title Mr Mrs Ms Miss Other Other title*Name* First name Last name Email address Enter Email Confirm Email Phone numberWhat is your preferred contact method?* Email phone Your enquiry I'm interested in...* Making a general enquiry Reporting Antisocial behaviour Reporting a repair Reporting damp and mould Tenancy information Shared ownership - please specify the address of the property you are interested in, using the box below Supported housing Advice & Support Housing with Care Money Advice Sheltered Retirement Homes Becoming a homeless Mentor volunteer Providing feedback about CHS Providing feedback on the website Customer engagement opportunities Additional comments Confirmation Your Data*Data Protection Statement: In order to assess your enquiry and help us deliver efficient services, we need to collect relevant personal details. We comply with Data Protection legislation when dealing with personal data. This means that your personal data will be processed in accordance with the law and will be kept safe and secure. Please note we may share personal data with relevant departments within the organisation; sometimes we collect personal data for one service and need to use it to give you another service. We may also use it for prevention and detection of fraud. We will not share it with other organisations without your knowledge, unless we are required by law to do so. By ticking this box I confirm that I understand and agree to all of the above. CAPTCHA