We are governed by a Board, drawn from the local community, which sets our direction, monitors progress towards our goals and ensures we meet the standards set by the Regulator for Social Housing.
Our Board is drawn from the local community and is supported by three key Committees:
- Customer and Home – is responsible for providing oversight and assurances in the delivery of operational strategies and services
- Audit & Risk – is responsible for overseeing the audit and risk assurance, including agreeing the annual internal and external audits
- HR, Remuneration and Governance – is responsible for ensuring CHS has an adequate and effective HR function, recommending remuneration, pay and benefits, and providing assurance on governance requirements
There are two further groups that strengthen our commitment to draw upon our tenants’ skills and experience – the Tenant Committee, which sets its own agenda and makes recommendations on service policies and standards, and a tenant-led Scrutiny Panel which has the remit to review any part of our operation and make improvement recommendations to the main Board.
CHS is required to meet the relevant standards published and regulated by the Regulator of Social Housing. CHS’s Board is responsible for meeting the standards and being transparent and accountable for the delivery of our social housing objectives.
CHS is a society registered for the benefit of the community with the FCA under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014, HMRC Charity no X81275. CHS complies with the National Housing Federation 2020 Code of Governance and the 2022 National Housing Federation Code of Conduct