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Rented Homes

What Is A Rented Home

The information below relates to all CHS customers living in ‘general needs’ rented homes, our sheltered retirement homes and our Housing With Care schemes.

CHS Homes provides and manages about 3000 homes for low cost rent, and over 400 shared ownership or fixed equity homes for purchase. We cover six local authority areas across Cambridgeshire and north Essex, and provide a wide range of homes for families, single people and couples.

Any supported housing users or Care Home residents, your main contact will be via a member of staff.  For all shared ownership tenants, please click here for further guidance.

Our News Page has information on a recent cyber incident at one of our contractors – 20th November 2020

If you would like to get involved and have your say, we have lots of customer involvement opportunities – click here to find out more

My home content insurance details

Home Contents Insurance

As a CHS tenant, contents insurance is not part of your tenancy agreement and so you may need to take out your own policy. To help you decide whether home contents insurance is right for you, we have teamed up with Thistle Tenant Risks, and Ageas Insurance Limited who provide the My Home Contents Insurance Scheme, a specialist Tenants Contents Insurance policy.

Tenancy Handbook

More information about all aspects of living in your CHS home is available here online in your Tenancy Handbook


Information for tenants

Tenancy Information

Find out more about your responsibilities and what services to expect from CHS.

Find out more

Sheltered (Retirement) Housing

CHS has 3 schemes, built with those over 55 in mind. This is sometimes known as sheltered housing, and includes a number of special features to make life easier.

Find out more

Anti Social Behaviour

CHS can advise you and help you deal with behaviour in your neighbourhood that causes you worry or distress.

Find out more

Grounds maintenance

Any of our properties that have a communal gardening service, we have detailed maps showing what areas our contractors are responsible for, as well as regular updates on scheduled visits.

Find out more

Living in my home Information regarding the following topics can be found in Section 8 of tenancy handbook

  • Making your own alterations
  • Adaptations and assistive equipment
  • Pets
  • Being a good neighbour
  • Harassment and hate crime
  • Dealing with anti-social behaviour (ASB)
  • Mediation services
  • Domestic Abuse
  • Overcrowding
  • Home safety
  • Preventing crime
  • Pest control
  • Asbestos
  • Energy efficiency in the home
  • How to set your heating and hot water controls

Safety In Your Home Information

Gas safety

If you have a gas boiler for heating and hot water we will carry out a safety check and service every year. We will also check that your gas appliances, boiler, smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors (if fitted) are working efficiently, which not only helps to keep you safe but also helps to save you money on your gas bills. Our contractors, Aaron Services, will liaise with you to arrange a convenient time to carry out the safety checks. The appointment will take between 30-45 minutes. If you have any queries, please contact the Customer Services Team on 0300 111 3555 or Aaron Services 01205 319218 or email us (highlight email to provide click through). Failure to allow safety checks to take place may lead to us taking legal action and costs will be recharged to you. If your heating and hot water is provided by a communal boiler, the servicing will be carried out by Imtech Inviron. CHS staff will schedule these appointments. Both of our gas servicing contractors are on the Gas Safe Register and each engineer will carry identification with a unique licence number – the engineer will show this to you before entering your home.

Electrical safety

CHS will regularly check the electrical system in your home, normally every five years. We will contact you to let you know when this is due. Our contractors, Imtech Inviron, will liaise with you to arrange a convenient appointment. They will carry out an initial survey to identify any problems and will try to fix any issue during their visit. If this is not possible, a further appointment will be arranged with you.

Asbestos in your home

Any CHS home built before 2000, we will liaise with you to arrange a convenient time to check for asbestos. This is important for your safety. If any asbestos is discovered, we will discuss with you to form a plan of action to ensure your safety. For further information, please refer to this Asbestos Guide for Tenants.

Stock condition surveys

CHS will carry out a survey every five years to check on the overall condition of your home. This will help us identify any safety risks and plan for any major replacements. We will contact you to arrange an appointment when your survey is due.

Other safety checks

Depending on where you live, we may carry out a number of other regular checks, such as fire alarms, emergency lighting and lifts. We will liaise with our contractors to arrange these checks.

Safety In Your Home - Frequently Asked Questions

What do I do if I think I have asbestos in my home?

Please refer to the section on asbestos in Living in Your Home in your tenancy handbook. If you are concerned and have not been contacted by CHS, please phone or email us for advice.

Why does CHS carry out electrical testing in my home?

Please refer to the section on electrical safety in your tenancy handbook CHS carries out these checks to make sure the electrical systems in your home are safe to use and meet the current standards. Our contractors may find some minor problems with the system, which can be easily fixed. If there is a more serious problem, they will contact CHS to agree the next steps. We will keep you informed about what will happen.

How often will external decorations be done in my home?

CHS aims to carry out external decorations every seven years. This will cover repairs and redecoration to all painted or stained areas (such as front and back doors, and windows frames), cleaning out gutters, cleaning down any items made of uPVC etc. We will contact you when this work is due.

Which fire risk and water risk assessments does CHS carry out?

We will carry out fire risk assessments every year on communal areas. This survey will be carried out by our surveyors with the housing officer. Any repairs or improvements required to the fire safety systems will be ordered from this visit. If you live in a block of flats with communal areas, please make sure you do not block any access or exit routes. CHS carries out water risk assessments on a small number of properties. For other sites, we will make sure that the hot water systems are working properly as part of the annual gas safety check. If your water is heated electrically, you need to report any issues with the water temperature as a repair – this is if the hot water is too hot or too cold. Also, please regularly clean any shower heads by removing any build-up of limescale – this will help to reduce any risks.

Am I allowed to make alterations, improvements or additions to my home?

You should not make any alteration, improvements or additions to your home and garden without gaining permission in writing from us. Click here for more information.

What do I do if I smell gas in my property?

If you smell gas you should do the following:

  • Call Transco immediately on 0800 111 999 – if calling from a mobile go outside and stand well away from the property
  • Call CHS on 0300 111 3555
  • Do not smoke or use naked flames
  • Open windows and doors
  • Do not use any electrical switches or appliances
What should I do my Carbon Monoxide detector is bleeping?

Report this immediately to CHS on 0300 111 355 Seek medical help via your local Accident and Emergency service CHS will keep in contact with you to let you know the next steps

How can I prevent a fire?

We have lots of advice on how to prevent a fire in your home – click here for more information.

Who is responsible for maintaining my garden?

You are responsible for maintaining your front and/or back garden. CHS will maintain any communal garden areas.

I need some adaptations or assistive equipment to help me live in my home

We will work with Occupational Therapy Service, the Disabled Facilities Grant sections of the local councils, the Telecare Co-ordinator and other agencies to help our customers get access to services. click here for more information.

Cyclical work/planned maintenance We will carry out major works to maintain the quality of your home, including kitchen and bathroom replacements, heating system upgrades, window and door replacements and external decorations. We will notify you in advance if your property is due an upgrade. We only publish details of planned works for the current financial year.

Works planned for 2018-19


Bakers Corner Ely – 6, 12 Chiefs Street Ely – 6a Campkin Court Cambridge – 7, 11, 12, 22, 23 Mill Road Cambridge – 124g Reilly Way Cambridge – 33 Cornmill March – 26 Tenacre Place Cambridge – 2 Church End Cherry Hinton – 149 Campkin Road Cambridge – 217 Chequers Close Cherry Hinton – 9 Ditton Walk Cambridge – 128 Dunstan Court Cambridge – 47 Green End Road Cambridge – 39 Greenhaze Lane Cambourne – 3, 5 & 9 John Breay Close Shepreth – 1, 3, 5, 6 & 7 Kent Road Huntingdon – 23, 91 & 132 Macbeth Close Huntingdon – 28 Medland Grove St Neots – 5 Meldreth Road Shepreth – 66 & 68 Mere Way Cambridge – 5 Mallet Close March – 18 & 20 North End Road Hinxton – 23, 27 & 29 Norfolk Road Huntingdon – 74 & 145 St Andrews Glebe, Coldhams Lane Cambridge – A, C, D, E, F, G Stanley Road Cambridge – 25 Stable Yard Cambourne – 1 & 3 The Maltings Gamblingay – 3 The Paddocks Cambourne – 2 & 9 Windmill Close Ely – 20 The Valley Comberton – 36 Netherhall Way Cambridge – 53 Cocketts Drive Wisbech – 33f Borough Close Wisbech – 18


Catharine Street Cambridge – 103, 105 & 107 Kent Way Cambridge – 9 Moat Way Swavesey – 32 & 34 Orchard Close Balsham – 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 12, Orchard Close Warboys – 38 & 71 Pippin Drive Cambridge – 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 55, 57, 59, 61 & 63 Russet Court Cambridge – 2 Muttongate, St Clements Passage Huntingdon – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 The Squire’s Field Great Wilbraham – 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9 The Valley Comberton – 36 Wheelers’s Way Little Eversden – 14b Windmill Close Ely – 9 & 18


Blenheim Close Shepreth – 25, 27 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 39, 41, 43, 45, 47, 49 & 51 John Beckett Close Chapel Street Ely – 1, 2 & 3 Mill Road Cambridge – 124a, 124b, 124c, 124d, 124e, 124f, 124g, 124h, 126a, 126b, 126c, 128a, 130a, 130b, 130c, 132 & 134 St Andrews Glebe Coldhams Lane Cambridge – A, B, C, D, E, F, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 22 & 23 Ribston Way Cambridge – 14 Gosling Way Sawston – 15 Alex Wood House – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 & 30 Green End Road Cambridge – 9


Green End Road Cambridge – 45 Norfolk Road Huntingdon – 145 Gosling Way – 15

Door – Block

John Beckett Court Chapel Street Ely – 1, 2 & 3 Kent Way Cambridge – 18 Nuns Way Cambridge – 196 & 246 Blenheim Close Shepreth – 25, 27, 31, 33, 35, 37, 39, 41, 43, 45, 47, 49 & 51 Mill Road Cambridge 126a North End Road Hinxton – 29 Glebe Close Manea – 4

Storage heaters

Orchard Close Balsham – 3 The Squire’s Field Great Wilberham – 4

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