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My tenancy

You will have your own Housing Officer or Support Officer who looks after your area or scheme. They look after many aspects of your tenancy – helping through the moving in process, rent payments, neighbourhood issues, pets, changes to your tenancy, consultation about any changes affecting you, advice if you need a move, For more information about your tenancy agreement, types of tenancy, your tenancy rights, pets, alterations, changing the name on a tenancy click here

  • When you move in you will have a clear Tenancy Agreement setting out all your rights and responsibilities
  • We respond promptly to your requests for repairs which are our responsibility, and our contractors make an appointment to suit you
  • We give you full details of your rent and any other charges, and support and advice if you’re struggling to meet your payments
  • We plan regular work such as estate services, servicing and safety checks of gas appliances, external paintwork, programmes of major work such as replacing kitchens and bathrooms

Moving in

Welcome to your new home! To make sure everything goes smoothly when you move in, there are several things you need to arrange – for more information to help your move go smoothly, read our Moving In StandardOpen this document with ReadSpeaker docReader or  click hereOpen this document with ReadSpeaker docReader for our Tenancy Handbook Moving In checklist .

Moving out

When you want to end your tenancy, you must give us 4 weeks’ notice in writing, starting on a Monday and ending on a Sunday. Shortly after you give us Notice, we will visit you to let you know if you need to do any repairs, decorating or other work before you move out. We will confirm all this in writing. For more information read our Moving On Standard Open this document with ReadSpeaker docReaderabout what happens next or click hereOpen this document with ReadSpeaker docReader for your Tenancy Handbook.

Please contact us if there’s anything else we can do to help. 

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