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Help in a Crisis

A crisis can occur for lots of different reasons – benefit delays, losing a job, an unexpected bill or gradually things getting more difficult until no longer you feel you can cope. If you don’t have enough money to feed, clothe or keep warm there is help available. There is no need to struggle alone.

To find out more about local support services available, including emergency helplines and foodbanks, please see our Making Money Count website. You may be able to get support from the Cambridgeshire Local Assistant Scheme (CLAS), which CHS co-ordinates through local partners. CLAS can provide information, advice and one off practical support and assistance in times of exceptional pressure. Following an assessment, you may be eligible for a CLAS award which could be in the form of new white goods, new beds and mattresses, recycled furniture, reconditioned white goods and supermarket vouchers.

To read what our clients say about the support we offer click here View our CLAS Annual Service Report 2022-23

To be eligible for the CLAS you must be 16 years or over and:

  • Have lived in Cambridgeshire for at least six months (unless you’ve fled to the area for your own safety)
  • Have no savings
  • Be on a means tested benefit e.g. income support, income based job seekers allowance (JSA), income related employment and support allowance (ESA), pension credit, universal credit
  • If you are working, your total household income must be below the HMRC low income threshold (£19,980  for 2024/25)
  • Must be facing financial difficulties and hardship

CHS is accredited with the matrix Standard for its money and employment advice services. The matrix Standard is a unique quality standard for organisations to assess and measure their advice and support services, which ultimately supports individuals in their choice of career, learning, work and life goals.

Help Available Within Cambridgeshire

If you have lived in Cambridgeshire for at least six months the Cambridgeshire Local Assistance Scheme CLAS may be able to help


What People Say…

“It’s improved my mental health and sleeping pattern to have a comfortable bed. Having more floor space in a small room by having the right furniture has helped my stress levels go down and my creativity return. It’s helped me get in the right place to look for full time work again”


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