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Russell Street

At Russell Street in Cambridge we provide accommodation and support for single adults (18-64) with a learning disability, or who are on the autistic spectrum.

In addition to Russell Street, we have two other properties locally where residents can move onto after Russell Street.

Norwich Street – has five Self-contained flats

Alison House – 7 rooms with shared facilities

To read what our residents say about living here click here

You can apply to our service online by completing our housing referral form and if you want to contact a member of our team you can email us at

CHS Community Support Housing Referral Form

Russell Street offers

  • A safe, nurturing and empowering environment
  • One to one support from a dedicated worker
  • Personalised support to achieve your aspirations
  • Support staff on site daily and overnight
  • A wide range of fun social activities to get involved with
  • Privacy, confidentiality, dignity, independence, choice and personal rights
  • Support to make positive changes in your life
  • 16 individual rooms with shared facilities – kitchens, sitting room, bathrooms, garden.
  • The bedrooms are not furnished and have curtains and cupboard space, so you will need to purchase a bed and chest of drawers, which you can then take with you when you leave.
  • Wi-Fi

Eligibility and applying for a place at Russell Street

You are welcome to visit us to find out more about living at Russell Street. You can refer yourself or be referred to by your family or an agency e.g. City Council, Voiceability or the Cambridgeshire Learning Disability Partnership.

82 Russell Street - Frequently Asked Questions

How long can I stay at Russell Street?

The usual length of stay is 2 to 3 years and, when ready, we support you to find suitable accommodation to move on to, which may be your own room in a shared house or your own flat.

What type of support will I get at Russell Street?

Our experienced staff will give you support tailored to your needs including:

  • Support and motivation to make positive changes
  • Getting into daytime activities, training, education and employment
  • Setting up home and settling in
  • Help with family relationships and making friends
  • Support to develop emotional intelligence, self-understanding, remove blocks to personal progress, enable recovery from issues experienced, and encouragement to develop your own personal identity
  • Life skills and becoming more independent
  • Coping skills and strategies
  • Staying safe
  • Advice and support regarding physical and mental health, diet, substance misuse, contraception, sexual health, domestic and other forms of abuse
  • Budgeting and money management
  • Advice and support to claim welfare benefits
  • Understanding occupancy agreements and obligations, and keeping your tenancy
  • Support with moving on to suitable accommodation

Our team of support workers are on site 7 days a week. We work together with you to help you to identify and work towards your aspirations and so that you are well prepared for independent living.

Are there eligibility criteria I need to meet?

For all of these services you need to be requiring and happy to accept support to tackle issues you have experienced and help get your life back on track.

You can to be male or female, aged between 18-64, with a learning disability, or on the autistic spectrum.

How do I apply for a place at Russell Street?

You can apply for a place yourself or be referred by an agency you already have contact with, for example, the Adults and Autism Team at Cambridgeshire County Council, the National Autistic Society, local homeless services or the Cambridgeshire Learning Disability Partnership. It is best if you visit us first. One of our staff will show you around and tell you more about the service. Then, if you want to apply, you can complete an application form which we can give you or you can find here on our website.

If you have no-one to help you apply, please contact us and we will assist you to find support and take you through the application process.

What happens once I’ve applied?

Once we receive your application form we will carry out an assessment meeting with you and your referrer. This is an opportunity for you to let us know what you want to get out of living at Russell Street and how we can support you. What has been recorded will be explained to you to make sure that it is accurate.

How are places at Russell Street allocated?

All applications and assessments are discussed at an Allocations Panel meeting and the panel will decide if you can be offered a place. The Service Manager or Assistant Service Manager will let you know the decision and this will be confirmed in writing. If you are offered a place you may be able to move in straight away if there is a vacant room, or, if there are no vacancies at the time we will add your name to the waiting list. If you are not offered a place we will tell you why and wherever possible suggest alternatives for you to try.

Can I appeal if I don’t get offered a place?

Yes, you have the right to appeal. You or your referrer must write to the Service Manager within 14 days of receiving the decision letter giving reasons why you think the decision was wrong. If the Service Manager thinks your application should be reconsidered, then your application will be looked at again at the next Allocation Panel meeting. If the Service Manager does not think your reasons for appealing are justified, your appeal will be passed to the Community Support Manager at CHS who will arrange an appeal hearing. You have the right to have someone with you at the appeal hearing.

How much will I have to pay to live at Russell Street?

You will need to pay the rent and any service charges and may be eligible for Housing Benefit towards these costs. In many cases tenants only have to pay their personal service charge for hot water, heat and light as this is not eligible for Housing Benefit. You do not have to pay for the support.

When are the support staff on site?

Staff are on site 7 days per week.  This includes a member of staff on duty overnight.

For Alison House – support staff can be contacted 7 days per week and overnight if necessary.  Staff will visit Alison House for support meetings.  Staffing time on site varies.

What is the age group and gender of people who live there?

The people who live at Russell Street are male and female between the ages of 18-64 years old.

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