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Young Parents

At The Young Parent Project in Cambridge, we provide accommodation and support for young parents aged 16-25 who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. 

Our Young Parents are either expecting a baby (at least 6 months pregnant) or have a baby aged less than 24 months. You can apply using our online digital form or, if you need us to send you a paper form, you can telephone us on 01223 578609 or email us   at 

The Young Parent Project is part of Young Futures Partnership which is the young peoples’ supported housing partnership in Cambridge City and South Cambridgeshire. For more information about our Young Futures Service, please click here 

CHS Community Support Housing Referral Form 

Young Parent Project offers:

  • 8 self-contained partly furnished flats
  • One to one support to work towards your aspirations and a personalised support plan 
  • A safe and nurturing environment 
  • Support staff on site daily from Monday -Friday
  • A wide range of fun social activities to get involved in with your baby and a communal space to relax in
  • Opportunities to learn about childcare and development, including baby first aid
  • Nursery bursary scheme
  • Wi-Fi in the communal space. 

Young Parent Project

Our team of support workers are on site Monday– Friday every weekday 9am to 6pm. We work together with you in one-to-one sessions to form a plan to help you navigate the challenges of early parenthood and learn skills and grow in confidence in a safe friendly space. You will also have the opportunity to spend time with other young parents, form relationships, and feel part of a little community.. We support you to make sure you get everything you can out of living at Young Parent Project and are well set up for your move to independent living. 

Young Parent Project Frequently Asked Questions

How long can I stay at Young Parent Project?

The usual length of stay is around 10-14 months and, when ready, we help you find suitable accommodation to move on to, which is usually provided by the local authority housing department via an allocations system called Home Link

What type of support will I get at Young Parent Project?

Our experienced staff will give you support tailored to your needs including: 

  • Support and advice about childcare, parenting and child development
  • Support with setting up home and settling in
  • Support to learn about healthy relationships, what you want from your relationships and how to get it
  • Support to develop self- awareness, confidence, self-esteem and understanding of how to look after yourself and develop your own personal identity
  • Support to grow your life skills and become more independent
  • Support to access external activities – such as paid work, volunteering, learning, therapeutic or social activity
  • Referrals to other specialist organisations if you need help with something specific, such as maintaining positive mental or physical health
  • Support to keep yourself and your baby safe in lots of different ways
  • Advice and support regarding physical and mental health, diet, substance misuse, contraception, sexual health, domestic and other forms of abuse
  • Support with budgeting and money management
  • Advice and support to claim welfare benefits
  • Support to understand your licence agreement and to maintain this
  • Support with moving on to suitable accommodation
  • Continued support from the team at YPP after you move on for as long as you need it
Are there eligibility criteria I need to meet?

You need to be a Young Parent aged between 16 and 25. Priority is given to individuals with a local connection to Cambridge City although we can consider referrals from other areas if we have space. You need to require support to develop your independent living and parenting skills and be committed to learning socially and emotionally so that you can support and care for your baby and meet their needs.  You need to be at least 6 months pregnant, or have a baby under 2 years old, and be homeless or at risk of homelessness.  

How do I apply for a place at Young Parent Project?

You are welcome to visit us to find out more. You can apply for a place yourself or be referred by an agency you already have contact with. You can use our online form here or you can contact us for a paper form on 01223 578609.  

What happens once I’ve applied?

After your application, you will be invited to come in for a visit and an interview with two staff members. This is your chance to ask questions and have a look around. The staff will then take your interview information to the team meeting for discussion and will decide whether the service is a good fit for you and your baby. You will then be contacted to let you know if you are on the waiting list. If the team do not consider that the service is suitable for you, they will explain why and offer you and/or your referrer, alternative suggestions for support and accommodation.  

Can I appeal if I don’t get offered a place?

You have the right to appeal. You or your referrer must write to the Service Manager within 14 days giving reasons why you think the decision was wrong. If the Service Manager thinks your application should be reconsidered, then your application will be looked at again at the next team meeting. . If the Service Manager does not think your reasons for appealing are justified, your appeal will be passed to the Community Support Manager at CHS who will arrange an appeal hearing. You have the right to have someone with you at the appeal hearing. 

How much will I have to pay to live at Young Parent Project?

You will need to pay the rent and any service charges and if you are not working  we will support you to apply for Housing Benefit towards these costs.  You do not have to pay for support as this is funded by Cambridgeshire County Council. 

When are the support staff on site?

Mondays to Fridays, 9am-6pm, with an emergency advice line at other times and overnight. The communal space is accessible from 9.30-5.30 Monday-Friday. 

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